Dental or Tooth Restoration

dental restoration

It is the means through which a dentist can use to replace or restore the normal function of the teeth. It can help to prevent any additional damage to your teeth as a result of decay. In most cases, dental restoration procedures can be used to restore both the appearance and function of the tooth. Dentists may recommend dental restoration to those having a damaged, discoloured, crooked or unhealthy tooth. Dental restoration can help fix tooth structures that have been affected due to decay. Dental restoration types vary depending on the severity of damage and the condition of the tooth.

Materials for Tooth Restoration

There are several materials available that can be used for tooth restoration depending on the availability, comfort and patient choice. The following are the material that can be used

Composite resin

Composite resin consists of two main components as well as other secondary components. It is a tooth-coloured material which is fixed with a bonding agent after the damaged tooth has been prepared for restoration.  With time the composite resins are subject to wear and tear as well as discoloration. Certain types of light are used to cure the composite after the resin has been inserted. Several improvements have been made to the properties of composite resin when used for restoration.


Porcelain helps to provide the tooth with a good esthetic but it is not always strong enough to give support. To make it last longer metals can be used to strengthen it.


It is a strong material that can be used to repair dental caries. To form amalgam metals such as copper, silver, zinc and tin are mixed with mercury. Most patients prefer using amalgam because it is more financially affordable.

Glass ionomer

It is a tooth restorative material that consists of basic glass and acid soluble powder. It is a flexible paste that is used to create a tight seal between an exposed internal tooth (due to a cavity) and the surrounding environment. It functions as a sealant, protecting the tooth from decay.


If gold fillings are done correctly, they can endure a long period. Gold is easy to work with and does not require a bonding agent. It’s suitable for minor lesions. Crowns can also be made of gold. However, because of the material required, employing gold is an expensive technique. Gold can also be combined with other metals to form alloys.

Preparation of tooth

The preparation of a tooth can be done outside of the tooth (extra coronal preparation) or within the enclosed structure of a tooth. Several things need to be put into consideration when preparing a tooth for restoration to help determine the best type to use. All the damaged parts will be removed with the help of air abrasion or other instruments.

What Are The Types Of Dental Restoration Procedures?

The procedures for dental restoration are of different types which are used based on the condition and damage of a tooth. The procedure can be divided into two parts namely direct and indirect procedures.

The direct dental restoration procedure

In this type of restoration procedure, the dental filling material is used which is placed on a tooth that is already prepared where it is hardened and set. It is mostly done on teeth that have sufficient support for the material to set. A very good example of a direct procedure is dental fillings. It is the most common type where the cavity of a tooth is filled with gold, amalgam, composite resins and silver. In a situation where there is a need to rebuild a wall of a missing tooth then a matrix should be used before the material that will be used to form the shape of a tooth is placed. One of the benefits of direct restoration procedures is that the material can be set easily and quickly.

The indirect dental restoration procedure

In this procedure, the materials that will be used for restoration are first created outside the mouth based on the dental impression from the affected tooth. The material created can be placed on a tooth where it is fixed with dental cement or adhesive. The procedure is usually done in two sittings. The following are examples of indirect restoration.

Dental crowns: are tooth-shaped in the form of a cap which can be placed on a tooth to protect it as it can cover a tooth entirely or partially.

Dental implants: it is an artificial root that helps hold replaced teeth giving you the feel of a natural tooth. There are two types of implants depending on the health of the jawbone. It can either be drilled into the jawbone or placed above it.

Dental bridges:  artificial teeth that help to cover the gap created by missing teeth. It can be made from materials like gold, alloy porcelain or a combination of any.

Inlays and Onlays

They are both created in the dental lab for damaged teeth that are too small for crowns or cannot be filled with fillings.

Dentures: removable artificial teeth. It can be used to replace a missing tooth.

Final thought

Dental restoration is done for various reasons which can be due to dental health or cosmetic. Certain dental restoration crosswords can help you get familiar with dental terminologies. It can help restore the natural function of your tooth to make chewing and smiling easy.

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