Eleanor Daugerdas Legal Battle – Penalties Denied in Tax Fraud Case

Eleanor Daugerdas

In a recent development concerning Paul Daugerdas, a former partner at a major law firm convicted in a large tax fraud case, a federal judge in Manhattan has rejected a request for penalties filed by Eleanor Daugerdas, Paul’s wife. The request stemmed from claims that the federal government mishandled critical bank records central to her legal claims.

Case Background

Paul Daugerdas, once a prominent tax attorney, was found guilty in 2013 on charges including conspiracy, tax evasion, and mail fraud. His conviction followed his involvement in creating fraudulent tax shelters over nearly two decades.

These schemes, primarily managed through the now-closed law firm Jenkens & Gilchrist, led to an estimated $1.63 billion in lost tax revenue for the U.S. government.

Alongside Daugerdas, Donna Guerin, a former Jenkens partner, and David Parse, a Deutsche Bank broker, were also implicated, though not all accused parties were convicted.

Jenkens & Gilchrist, once a leading law firm based in Dallas, closed in 2007 amid legal issues related to its tax shelter advice and subsequent settlements with the IRS.

Eleanor Daugerdas’s Legal Challenge

Following her husband’s conviction and the government’s seizure of assets, Eleanor Daugerdas sought to reclaim $10 million of those assets through a legal petition.

Her strategy involved challenging how the government handled evidence, specifically the redaction of bank records from Jenkens & Gilchrist Chicago office, where her husband had held a senior position.

These records were initially obtained by the government during an investigation into Ernst & Young and were already redacted when they were acquired from Davis Polk & Wardwell.

Judge’s Decision

U.S. District Judge Denise Cote, who took over the case after the death of Judge William Pauley, made a definitive ruling on Eleanor Daugerdas’s request for penalties.

Judge Cote emphasized that having the power to subpoena documents does not mean the government has control over every document potentially subject to subpoena. She noted that the records were already redacted when they were acquired by the government, relieving them of the obligation to obtain unredacted versions.

Despite delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Judge Cote concluded that the redacted records provided were sufficient for Eleanor Daugerdas’s legal petition. Her decision underscores the careful scrutiny applied to claims of evidence mishandling and prosecutorial misconduct in high-profile criminal cases.

Legal and Financial Ramifications

Paul Daugerdas’s conviction has had significant legal and financial repercussions, resulting not only in substantial penalties but also triggering complex legal battles over asset forfeiture and claims by family members.

Eleanor Daugerdas’s attempts to regain assets have faced multiple legal hurdles, with initial petitions denied but subsequent opportunities for further investigation granted by the courts.

The denial of Eleanor Daugerdas’s request for penalties by Judge Cote marks another chapter in the ongoing legal battle surrounding the Daugerdas case. It highlights the challenges faced by individuals contesting government actions in cases involving intricate financial schemes and white-collar crime.

Continuing Legal Proceedings

While Paul Daugerdas serves his federal prison sentence in Illinois, legal proceedings regarding his case continue. The rejection of Eleanor Daugerdas’s request for penalties represents a pivotal moment in this prolonged legal saga, offering insights into the rigorous standards applied in federal courts regarding evidence handling and prosecutorial conduct.


The denial of Eleanor Daugerdas’s request for penalties by U.S. District Judge Denise Cote underscores the careful examination given to claims of evidence mishandling and prosecutorial misconduct in federal courts.

The Daugerdas case remains emblematic of the complexities and high stakes involved in cases of financial fraud and white-collar crime, leaving a lasting impact on both the legal landscape and the lives of those affected.

As the legal saga continues, it serves as a stark reminder of the enduring challenges and legal intricacies inherent in prosecuting and defending against complex financial crimes in the United States judicial system.

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