Nutrition and Bone Health

Bone health is the most neglected but one of the most important health requirements for our bodies. As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai, in recent years bone issues like osteoporosis and arthritis have taken a front seat in our lives. Young adults are now facing bone problems. Be it back pains, shoulder pains, or knee pains, changes in everyday lifestyles have changed how our body works.
Bones make up the skeletal system of our body which supports us to stand, sit, walk, run, and do everyday activities. Good nutrition makes them strong and reduces bone degeneration.
Bone growth (bone modeling) is completed up to the age of 16- 18 years in girls and up to 18- 20 years in boys. After the formation of the complete skeletal structure, the bone starts the process of remodeling in order to compensate for our everyday wear and tear. They have the capacity of self-healing and regeneration which helps them withstand all the tedious work we do. The best nutritionist in Mumbai says during this wear and tear, the bones are constantly losing their minerals. These are then resupplied by the food we eat. In short, it is important to monitor what we eat to help keep our bones strong.
Bones are made up of the minerals calcium and phosphorus which are important for “Ossification or Osteogenesis” (bone formation) along with Vitamin D which is majorly got through sunlight. Apart from these, there are few more vital nutrients like vitamin K and C, Iron, Zinc which help in the development of healthy bones. Nutrition along with exercise will help the bones remain strong.
The best nutritionist in Mumbai says that bone loss is higher in women as compared to men; hence women are more prone to bone problems, especially after the onset of menopause. Postmenopausal women are more prone to hip fractures due to low estrogen levels and reduced bone density in their bodies.
Apart from improper nutrition, the place where you stay also makes a difference in your bone health. For example, places in the north with very low winter temperatures experience very low sunshine in the winter months which makes it impossible for the body to absorb dietary calcium and other nutrients even if consumed in abundance. Therefore, supplementation helps aid nutrient absorption in the body.
Our elders have always asked us to drink milk for having strong bones, but is milk the only way? There are a lot more care and support along with good nutrition needed to maintain healthy bones.
Nutrition for Bone Health:
As mentioned above, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D are the main nutrients required for bone health. Other nutrients that are important include:
- Calcium is the major nutrient that helps in keeping the bones strong. Usually, the recommended amount of calcium one should intake per day is around 1000- 1300 mg/day for an average adult. These vary from individual to individual depending upon their health conditions.
- Calcium is not only important for the bones but is also associated with other important functions in the body like clotting blood and muscle contraction.
- Our body cannot make its own calcium, and so it must be provided by food. Milk is considered as the best and easiest available source of calcium. Apart from milk, curds and yoghurts, cheese, tofu, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, soy products, etc. also provide good amount of calcium to the body.
Vitamin D:
- The role of Vitamin D is to aid in the absorption of Calcium in the body. If the body does not get enough vitamin D, it will start using calcium from the bones to prepare the hormone ‘calciferol’ for other functions in the body. This will deplete the calcium stores in the bone thus making them weak.
- Vitamin D also cannot be synthesized by our body and hence should be taken through diet or sun exposure. Sun is the best source of acquiring vitamin D, especially the early morning sunlight. Some regions do not experience sunshine during winter months which causes deficiency in the people of that region. As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai, this can be overcome by taking Vitamin D supplements along with a good diet.
- Like calcium, phosphorus is also important for bone formation. It helps maintain bone density.
- According to a study, a high intake of phosphorus showed a 2.1% improvement in BMD and a 45% reduced incidence of Osteoporosis in those who had normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in their body.
Vitamin A:
- Vitamin A is required in very little amounts by our body but is important. It helps in the process of building and breaking down bone cells.
- Though it is important, a higher amount of Vitamin A can cause low Bone Density and fractures.
Vitamin C:
- Vit C helps in the formation of collagen which helps keep our bones intact. Consuming a good amount of Vitamin C is directly proportional to increased bone density.
Vitamin K:
- Vit K helps in bone remodeling. Although it is not as significant, a new study shows that Vitamin K slows down bone loss in women after menopause and increases bone strength which helps decrease the risk of fractures in osteoporotic patients.
- It is one of the components of bone mineralization. The deficiency of Magnesium can lead to abnormal bone function and structure.
Iron and Zinc:
- They aid in the functioning of the enzymes which helps in bone mineralization.
- It is a component of bone mineral and helps provide support and architecture to the bone. It also stimulates bone growth.
- According to a website, a protein-rich diet along with adequate intake of calcium is beneficial for adult bone health.
- A study suggests a decreased risk of hip fractures and its positive association with Bone Mass Density (BMD) with protein intake. It also does not show any direct evidence of increasing Osteoporosis, fractures, or problem in bone strength.
As per the best nutritionist in Delhi, Alcohol and carbonated beverages if consumed in high doses can cause adverse effects on the skeletal system. They reduce Bone Density which causes the bones to weaken, become brittle, and make them susceptible to fractures.
Bones are a very important part of our body. Healthy bones help us maintain our body structure and helps us in performing our daily activities. So, let’s promise to look after our bones just as we look after or beloved things.
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