4 Tips To A Good Night’s Sleep

Tip 1: Synchronize your life with your body’s circadian rhythm
In order for you to get a good night’s sleep, your body should be in sync with your natural sleep-wake cycle. This is a crucial strategy if you want to get better sleep. Having a constant sleep-wake schedule leaves you feeling more energetic and reinvigorated than when you opt to interrupt this cycle by sleeping at different times. Regardless of whether you sleep for the same number of hours, altering your sleep-wake cycle will ultimately affect the quality of sleep you get.
Make sure you sleep and get up at the same time every day. Don’t alter your sleeping pattern by an hour. This helps to synchronize your biological clock and improve your sleep quality. Retire to bed at a time when you feel tired and exhausted. This ensures you don’t keep tossing and turning. If you get ample sleep, you’ll have no problem waking up without an alarm. If you have to use an alarm clock, you should consider heading to bed earlier.
Limit sleeping in during the weekends. Your weekday and weekend sleep schedules shouldn’t differ. If they are entirely different, you’ll experience severe jetlag-like symptoms. You’d rather have a daytime nap to make up for lost hours after a late night than sleep in. A daytime nap can even off your sleep debt without interfering with your circadian rhythm.
Be careful about your napping habits. Napping is an excellent way to compensate for any lost sleep. However, if you are can’t fall asleep or remain asleep during the night, naps can worsen your problems. Only have around 15 to 20-minute naps in the afternoon.
Tackle any tiredness after eating. If you are drowsy or sleepy way before your usual time to retire to bed, find something to keep you busy. You can call your parents, iron some clothes, or wash the dishes. These chores will stimulate your brain. If you decide to sleep before your bedtime, you may wake up in the middle of the night. It may be hard to get any sleep once you wake up.
Tip 2: Reduce your exposure to light
The body’s circadian rhythm is regulated by a hormone called melatonin. The brain secretes this naturally occurring hormone when you are in a dark room. This hormone makes you sleepy. Less melatonin is produced in a room full of light. This, in turn, keeps your body alert. Many factors in today’s world impact the production of melatonin and alter your sleep-wake cycle. You can influence your light exposure in the following ways:
During the day
Expose yourself to the warmth of the morning sunshine every day. The earlier you get out, the better. For instance, you can have your breakfast on your patio or by an open window. The sunshine hitting your face is effective in waking you up.
Take time to go out during the day. During your work breaks, find time to go for a stroll outside. You can perform your workouts outside or walk your dog during the day.
Allow sufficient natural light to enter your home or workstation during the day. Your blinds and curtains should be open to letting in natural light. You can also move your desk and chair next to a window.
If need be, go for a light therapy box. It can come in handy during short winter days since it mimics natural sunlight.
At night
Limit the use of bright screens soon before bedtime. You should turn off electronic devices 1- 2 hours before you retire to bed. Phones, laptops, TVs, and tablets emit blue light, which can interrupt your sleeping cycle. You can opt for smaller screens with less brightness. Alternatively, you can install light-altering software on your device, such as f.lux.
Don’t give in to late-night shows. Light from your TV will affect the production of melatonin. Still, most programs that we watch stimulate our brains rather than relax them. Audiobooks and music are better options.
Avoid using backlit devices to read. Backlit tablets can interfere with your sleep. Go for e-readers that have no light source.
Always make sure your bedroom is completely dark as you retire to sleep. Use blackout curtains and blinds to block any light from outside. You can also use a sleep mask to block light. Make sure you cover any electronics that emit any form of light.
If you wake up at night, don’t switch on all the lights. Keeping the lights down ensures you fall back to sleep quickly. A dim nightlight can help if you want to move around safely during the night. You can also use a small flashlight if you need to visit the bathroom regularly.
Tip 3: Workout during the day
Regular workouts go hand in hand with better sleep at night. You’ll feel less tired during the day if you exercise regularly. Consistent workouts also deal with sleep apnea and insomnia symptoms. You’ll enjoy deeper, restorative sleep.
You’ll enjoy more sleep benefits if you exercise more vigorously. Still, light exercises can impact your sleep quality. A simple 10-minute walk every day can have immense benefits. You may require several months of regular exercises to enjoy complete sleep-promoting effects. For this reason, it’s critical to be patient and concentrate on building a long-lasting workout culture.
To enjoy quality sleep, always perform exercises at the right time. Workouts impact your metabolism rate. They boost metabolism, heighten body temperature, and stimulate body hormones like cortisol. If you exercise close to bedtime, the exercises may affect your sleep.
Get done with vigorous and moderate exercises at least three hours before retiring to bed. You can also work out early during the day if you experience any trouble sleeping. You can perform low-impact workouts, including gentle stretching and yoga in the evening. Such exercises are essential for better sleep.
Tip 4: Exercise caution when choosing what to eat and drink
What you eat during the day can determine the quality of your sleep. Be careful about what you consume before going to bed.
Avoid nicotine and caffeine. Caffeine may impact your sleep up to twelve hours after consumption. Smoking can also interfere with your sleep. Nicotine acts as a stimulant.
Don’t consume large meals at night. Always have your dinner early enough before bedtime. Limit acidic or spicy foods before retiring to bed. They may lead to heartburn and stomach upsets.
Don’t consume alcohol before bed. A can of your favorite beer can help you relax. Still, it may disrupt your sleep cycle.
Don’t take too many liquids at night. They may force you to frequent the bathroom at night.
Reduce your intake of refined carbs and sugary foods during the day. Foods such as pasta, white rice, and white bread may keep you alert and interfere with your sleep cycle.
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